Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English. The composition of the manuscript contains the title, abstract (in Indonesian and English), introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusions, and bibliography, and is written without using subtitles.
The title briefly and clearly indicates the contents, boldly written in Indonesian or English. The maximum number of word titles is 25 words. Writing the title of the article is recommended to use Indonesian according to the Enhanced Spell (EYD). If there are English words, they are written in italics. Under the title is the author's name (without title), institution, institutional or affiliate address, and email address.
Abstract is written in Indonesian and English; abstract in English is italicized; and Abstract/Abstract contains problems, methodology, and results. Abstracts contain a maximum of 250 words and 4-6 keywords.
The introduction contains a description of the background, previous research, both self-conducted and by others, and objectives.
The method contains a detailed description of the steps of the research along with the designs, methods, or approaches used in answering the problems to achieve the research objectives without including a flow chart.
Results and Discussion: It is necessary to give an introduction that contains the things that were done along with the analysis used in completing the research. Furthermore, in detail and step by step, the research objectives are discussed and analyzed in detail and sharply with the research methodology until a research result is obtained. This analysis and discussion are carried out for all the objectives that have been set in the research objectives.
Conclusions are written based on the results of research, discussion, and findings that have been written before and are in accordance with the research objectives, written briefly and clearly in the order according to the research objectives.
Bibliography: It is recommended to use the Mendeley Reference Manager application or a similar application to maintain consistency in the way of citation and bibliography. The standard used is the APA style 7th edition.
Manuscript templates can be downloaded by following the link.