Politeness Strategy in the Usage of Language Among Young People

Sianturi Indah Karina(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to study the Politeness Strategy by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson that is used by young people to communicate with community members and other peers. This is a fact that can be claimed that young people are easily provoked because of a lack of politeness when solving or facing problems that often might be considered foul and taboo like death, illness, different bodily functions and gender problems. Although such complaints are unprecedented in the way young people use their language, this research began to examine older people by obtaining various Politeness Strategies that allow young children to communicate with various groups of people. The study notes that the language used by young people who have politeness in speaking depends on the level during communication.



Young people, language, politeness, communication, theory

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31327/jee.v8i2.2082

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