Agrotech Journal with ONLINE ISSN: 2548-5148 and PRINT ISSN: 2548-5121 is a scientific journal published by USN Scientific Journal, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka. Agrotech Journal specializes in topics related to the development of science and technology based on research results. The focus and scope of Agrotech Journal cover five disciplines namely Plant Disease, Horticulture, Soil Science, Agronomy and Plant Breeding We are inviting papers from lecturers, researchers, students, practitioners, and academicians. Please send your manuscript through the online submission system: The submission of the manuscript is free of charge. Further information: Mobile: +628111072907 WA: +0811402721 E-mail:
With regards Agrotech Journal Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka Jl. Pemuda, No. 339 Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia - 93517 |