Rosdiana Rosdiana(1), Armin Aryadi(2*), Mansyur Mansyur(3),

(1) Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
(2) Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
(3) Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
(*) Corresponding Author


Basically the development of regional development, especially in the construction world is inseparable from the source material available. Like the use o Rahanggada sand, which comes from Kolaka Regency, which is used as a fine aggregate material for concrete, is now increasingly in demand by the local community, especially in Tanggetada District. Most local people choose Rahanggada sand as fine aggregate for concrete material because the price is quite cheap compared to sand imported from other areas. However, the quality of the sand is not known whether it meets the specifications as a concrete material. This final project research was conducted using Rahanggada sand, crushed stone, cement PCC, and for mixing water using fresh water. In principle, this research was conducted to see how much influence the use of Rahanggada sand had on the quality of the planned concrete, namely 19 MPa or 225 Kg/cm². Processing and analysis of material characteristics data is carried out at the Material and Construction Laboratory of PT. Agung Bumi Karsa having its address in Kendari which includes sieve analysis, abrasion, sludge levels, water content, specific gravity and content weight, After that, the mix design process and the concrete compressive strength testing were carried out at the ages of 3, 7, 14, and 28 days. From the results of the compressive strength test at the age of 28 days, The results of the test for the compressive strength of Rahanggada sand were 221.64 kg /cm2, while for the compressive strength of 225 kg/cm or a difference of 1.49% smaller than the planned compressive strength. So it is necessary to do further research on the use of Rahanggada sand as a material for concrete, so that the quality of the concrete produced is in accordance with the quality of the planned concrete.


Rahanggada sand; Concrete material; Concrete quality; Mix design; Compressive strength

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Program Studi Teknik Sipil,
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi,
Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka

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Desa Popalia, Kabupaten Kolaka, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 93517
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