(1) Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
(2) Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
(3) Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
(*) Corresponding Author
Congestion is always a problem in vehicle traffic on roads that have high traffic flow conditions. The Bau-Bau City Carnival Monument is one of the signalized intersections that has a high level of traffic flow. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the saturation flow at the Tugu Kirab junction by determining the degree of saturation and the length of the road queue using the MKJI method. Based on the MKJI method, results were obtained that showed the value of the Degree of Saturation (DS) to the four arms of the Kirab Monument in Bau-Bau City, namely: West Betoambari Arm DS = 0,18, East Teacher Batara Arm DS = 0,45, North Murhum Arm DS = 0,16 and South Murhum Arm DS = 0,11. Based on the saturation degree value obtained at the Tugu Kirab intersection, it is known that the saturation degree value at the Tugu Kirab intersection in Bau-Bau City still meets the target, this is evidenced by the DS value < 0,85. The length of the queue on the four arms of the Kirab Monument was obtained: West Betoambari arm = 356 m, East Guru Batara arm = 178 m, North Murhum arm = 188 m and South Murhum arm = 188 m. Furthermore, the results of the calculation of Saturated Currents were obtained at the intersection of Tugu Kirab West Betoambari 3.370,21 smp/h, Lengan Batara Guru Timur 3.405,98 smp/h, North Murhum Arm 3.270,16 and for South Murhum Arm 3.499,54 smp/h.
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Program Studi Teknik Sipil,
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi,
Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka
Gedung Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Lantai 3,
Desa Popalia, Kabupaten Kolaka, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, 93517
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e-ISSN : 3047-518X
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